How To Get Water Out Of An Inflatable Kayak

How To Get Water Out Of An Inflatable Kayak

There are many scenarios in which water may enter a kayak. For example, consider kayaking in whitewater, which requires the use of a whitewater kayak.

You can’t stay in a wet kayak while you are out kayaking alone. You will need to learn how to get water out of an inflatable kayak.

When you are yourself on the lake, it may be frightening to attempt to empty the cockpit of a kayak. First and foremost, paddling the Kayak will feel weighty. Second, it will take a lot of work to pull the Kayak out of the water.

After being dragged to the beach, raise the Kayak by the bow and lean it to empty the cockpit. You may have to repeat this process many times to guarantee that all of the water has drained.

Let’s dive into it!

How To Get Water Out Of An Inflatable Kayak – An Entire Guideline

How To Get Water Out Of An Inflatable Kayak

Time Needed: 20 minutes

It may be difficult to empty a heavy kayak of water while still in the water. Likewise, when you attempt to stay afloat in a kayak full of water, it may seem much more rotund.

As a result, before taking action, it’s constantly a good idea to evaluate the situation. Before solving the problem, make sure you have the equipment with you.

Materials And Tools Required –

  • Two towels
  • Boat covers

The first step is to figure out how much moisture is in your Kayak and how distant away from the dry ground you are.

If your Kayak has a lot of water in it, you don’t want to push yourself too hard. Somewhat of attempting to drain in a while swimming, you may hold the bow of your boat and paddle it to land.

Swim to the dry ground while dragging the Kayak if this is a possibility. To empty the water, pull the Kayak up to the beach and tilt it sideways. Until the Kayak fully drains, this will most likely have to repeat many times.

If this is not feasible, draining the water from the Kayak while swimming is an option.

Steps On How To Get Water Out Of An Inflatable Kayak

There are two methods of how to get Water out of an Inflatable Kayak. We will start with the first option.

1. Emptying In The Water

Step: 1 Swimming To The Bows

It is the very first step in getting water out of a kayak. Hold the bow using your hands, making sure you don’t lose your kayak paddles in the process.

A paddling leash will keep the paddles from drifting away. If you don’t have a leash, pick a paddle and keep it near you.

Step: 2 Push Your Legs As Hard As You Could

It is another method for draining a kayak. You may sway the cockpit back and forth to ensuring that all of the water drained out if you get the strength.

Step: 3 Flip The Kayak Over And Get Back Into The Cockpit

There is another method to get water out of inflatable kayak. Suppose you are not a strong swimmer. Quickly swim to the stern of the boat and get on.

Step: 4 Then Turn The Kayak Over And Get Aboard

If you have a larger fishing kayak with additional attachments, this is an excellent method to get it back on its feet. However, it’s sometimes difficult to get all of the water out.

Bilge pumps may be beneficial, particularly if you are kayaking in stormy seas. Bilge pumps for kayaks are also very inexpensive and easy to get by.

2. Using A Kayaker To Help

Suppose you are kayaking in the sea with your sea kayak, and there is not a lot of water in the cockpit. In that case, you are thinking about how to get water out of inflatable kayak.

Enlisting the help of another kayaker is a very effective method to get water out of inflatable kayak.

Step: 1 Get A Kayaker

The first step you will need to make is to ensure you get a kayaker to help you with the paddle at your spot.

Step: 2 Determine That The Bow Of Their Kayak Is Steep To The Bow Of Yours

After that, push your Kayak so that it glides on the Kayak, raising the cockpit over the water.

Step: 3 Returning The Kayak To Its Proper Position

The final step is returning the Kayak to its proper position. Do it while helping in pushing it far from the Kayak. Among the most significant benefits of this technique is that it requires less energy to flip the Kayak.

Step: 4 Keep Your Kayak Steady

Nevertheless, there is a risk that the Kayak that is helping you may turn over, causing still another issue.

If you are assisting a friend, among the essential things to remember is to keep your Kayak steady so that it doesn’t capsize.


1. What Is The Minimum Amount Of Dryness Required?

As long as you are using your inflatable Kayak at least once a week, you don’t need to be too concerned about leaving a tiny amount of moisture behind. Providing you drain the bulk of the water out of the Kayak, you should be good to proceed.

2. What’s The Best Way To Get Water Out Of An Inflatable Kayak?

Since many inflatable kayaks dry quickly, this procedure takes just a few minutes. Inflate the floor and turn your kayak upside down to remove any extra moisture that has accumulated within. Towels may use to dry up any remaining water.

3. What’s The Best Way To Drying Out A Kayak?

Please take off the bags and seats from the Kayak while it still inflates and dries all of the exterior surfaces.

Because most inflatable kayaks dry rapidly, this procedure usually completes quickly. The following step is to deflate the Kayak’s floor and turn it over on one edge to empty any remaining water.

4. Is It True That Saltwater Damages Inflatable Kayaks?

Saltwater can erode the material, and even though not washing it once or twice isn’t a huge issue, it may cause serious harm over time.

To ensure that no water goes into the air tubes, shut all of the valves before washing. Mold or mildew developing inside your Kayak is the last object you want.

5. Is It Possible To Store An Inflatable Kayak Outdoors?

Lengthy exposure to high temperatures will increase the air within the tubes of any inflatable object. If kept outdoors or in a heated storage location, it is preferable if the air is allowed out of the chambers to allow the air to expand.

6. Is It Easy For Inflatable Kayaks To Puncture?

Punctures can occur, and although they’re uncommon, it’s essential to keep that in mind while paddling in an inflatable kayak. Usually, inflatable kayaks are readily repairing with a simple patch kit if you obtain one.

7. Are They Protected To Use?

It has already been addressed in detail in the previous questions when we covered stability and leakage, respectively. So, absolutely, they are very safe, and that is the short answer.

High-quality inflatable boats are generally considered the safest on the water anywhere in the world.

They have an excellent record for safety because of the sophisticated technology, creative designs, and robust materials that they use.

8. How Do I Keep It In Good Condition?

The first step is to be conscious of the importance of preserving the material. Stay far away from sharp items and trash, for instance. Then, as an alternative to dragging it through dirt and pebbles, try carrying it instead.

Final Words

When it comes to getting water out of an inflatable kayak, there are many options available.

The ideal method for you is determined by the amount of water you need to drain, the available tools, and the amount of time you have available.

However, preventing water storage during the first situation is the most excellent method to maintain your inflatable dry.

It includes utilizing boat covers, correctly storing your inflatable, and not introducing water inside the boat.


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